









参考文献 1
CHEN J W,LI J H,XU L X.Highly integrated MEMS magnetic sensor based on GMI effect of amorphous wire[J].Micromachines,2019,10(4):237.
参考文献 2
PEI C Q,ZHANG B,XIE J Y,et al.Superlatticeshelled nanocrystalline core structural design for highly sensitive GMI sensors[J].Acta Materialia,2023,255:119088.
参考文献 3
FAN H,WANG J M,FENG Q Y,et al.Detection techniques of biological and chemical Hall sensors[J].RSC Advances,2021,11(13):7257-7270.
参考文献 4
SCHAEFER B T,WANG L,JARJOUR A,et al.Magnetic field detection limits for ultraclean graphene Hall sensors[J].Nature Communications,2020,11(1):4163.
参考文献 5
SHEN X Y,TENG Y T,HU X X.Design of a low-cost small-size fluxgate sensor[J].Sensors,2021,21(19):6598.
参考文献 6
JU H J,ZHU W H,FANG G Y.A review on ferromagnetic induction coil sensors[J].Progress in Geophysics,2010,25(5):1870-1876.
参考文献 7
TUMANSKI S.Induction coil sensors-a review[J].Measurement Science and Technology,2007,18(3):31-46.
参考文献 8
参考文献 9
PRADHAN M,BHATTACHARYA B B.A survey of digital circuit testing in the light of machine learning[J].Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews:Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,2021,11(1):e1360.
参考文献 10
PRADHAN M,BHATTACHARYA B B.A survey of digital circuit testing in the light of machine learning [J].Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews:Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,2021,11(1):e1360.
参考文献 11
参考文献 12
ANDÒ B,BAGLIO S,BULSARA A R,et al.Residence times difference fluxgate[J].Measurement,2005,38(2):89-112.
参考文献 13
LEUZINGER A,TAYLOR A.Magneto-inductive technology overview[EB/OL].[2010-08-14].https://www.novatronic.de/app/download/5781492141/White +Paper+-+PNI+Magneto+Inductive+Technology+Over view+r3.pdf.
参考文献 14
REGOLI L H,MOLDWIN M B,RAINES C,et al.Radiation tolerance of the PNI RM3100 magnetometer for a Europa lander mission[J].Geoscientific Instrumentation,Methods and Data Systems,2020,9(2):499-507.
参考文献 15
PNI CORPORATION.3-axis magneto-inductive sensor driver and controolle with SPI serial interface[EB/OL].[2003-02-06].https://www.willow.co.uk/11096_ Datasheet.pdf.
参考文献 16
FILANOVSKY I M,PISKAREV V A.RL-multivibrator and retrieving the coil magnetization curve[J].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems,1991,38(6):650-653.
参考文献 17
BIRČÁKOVÁ Z,KOLLÁR P,FÜZER J,et al.Magnetic properties of selected Fe-based soft magnetic composites interpreted in terms of Jiles-Atherton model parameters[J].Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2020,502:166514.
参考文献 18
LI K,NIU F,WU Y,et al.Nonlinear current detection based on magnetic modulation technology[J].IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2015,51(11):1-4.


    面向数字式、小体积的磁场传感器应用需求,现有的感应式磁场传感器普遍存在硬件电路复杂,数字化需要使用模数转换器件,难以实现小型化的问题,需探索一种新原理磁场传感器。因此,提出了一种基于自激振荡磁感应技术的磁场传感器,该传感器测量原理基于激励电压占空比与被测磁场的线性关系。与其他磁场传感器相比较,提出的磁场传感器输出为占空比形式,不需要额外的滤波电路和模数转换电路,硬件电路较为简单,因此有利于实现数字化和小型化。同时,分析了自激振荡产生过程,建立了激励电压占空比与被测磁场的理论方程;制作了原理样机,验证了基于自激振荡磁感应技术的传感器实现的可行性。结果表明,在开环条件下,±100000 nT 量程下传感器的线性度在 0.98%。


    Aiming at the application requirements of digital and small-volume magnetic field sensors,it is necessary to explore a new magnetic field sensor,because existing inductive magnetic field sensors generally have the problems of complex hardware circuits,the need to use analog-to-digital conversion devices for digitalization, and it is difficult to achieve miniaturization. In this paper,a magnetic field sensor based on self-oscillating magnetic induction technology is proposed. Its measurement principle is based on the linear relationship between the duty cycle of the excitation voltage and the measured magnetic field. Compared with other magnetic field sensors,the output of the magnetic field sensor proposed in this paper is in the form of duty cycle,which does not require additional filtering circuits and analog-to-digital conversion circuits,and the hardware circuit is relatively simple, so it is beneficial to digitalization and miniaturization. Besides,the generation process of self-excited oscillation is analyzed,and the theoretical equation of excitation voltage duty cycle and measured magnetic field is established. A prototype is made to verify the feasibility of the magnetic field sensor based on self-excited oscillation magnetic induction technology. The results show that under open-loop conditions,the linearity of the sensor is 0.98% with the range of ±100000 nT.

  • 0 引言

  • 磁场传感器广泛用于地磁测量、导航定位、海洋探测及生物医学等领域。根据不同的应用场景,目前市面上已存在各种磁场传感器,例如:感应磁传感器(探测线圈)、霍尔传感器、磁通门传感器、 GMI(Giant Magneto Impedance)传感器等,其原理及优缺点可在文献[1][8]中找到。

  • 随着数字技术的发展,信息更趋向于以数字形式传输[9-10],但上述所提及的磁场传感器输出均为模拟信号,即输出信号是电流或电压。要想达到数字形式输出,同时为了减少信号处理过程中的误差,需要使用高性能的模数(A/D)转换器件,这将提高系统的复杂性和成本[11-12]。因此,有必要寻求一种在不使用模数转换模块的前提下,便可实现磁场强度测量的磁场传感器方案。国外 PNI 公司提出了磁感应(Magneto-Inductive,MI)技术[13],应用 MI 技术,PNI 公司研制了数字式的磁场传感器以实现磁场测量[14-15]。针对国内数字式磁场传感器的研究,本文提出了一种自激振荡磁感应技术,其测量原理基于励磁电压占空比与被测磁场的线性关系,通过测量占空比从而得到被测磁场强度。这种测量方式不需要模数转换器件,能够减少电路的复杂性和成本。

  • 基于自激振荡磁感应技术,本文研制了一种数字式磁场传感器,并建立了励磁占空比与被测磁场的理论方程,通过实验测试后,验证了自激振荡磁感应技术应用于磁场测量的可行性。

  • 1 系统组成和原理

  • 自激振荡磁感应磁场传感器的原理结构图如图1 所示,其中线圈绕组 W 与高磁导率的非线性磁芯组成敏感探头,等效电感 L、比较器 A、采样电阻 R3 和门限控制电阻 R1R2 构成自激振荡电路。电阻 R1R2 为比较器电路的阈值设定电阻,采样电阻 R3 用于将流过线圈的激励电流转换为电压。

  • 图1 磁场传感器原理结构图

  • Fig.1 Schematic diagram of a magnetic field sensor

  • 传感器工作时,在探头线圈电感、线圈内部磁芯和放大器作用下,比较器输出正向电压为V0+,负向电压为V0-的方波,设置合适的阈值电压V+,磁芯会进入正负饱和区域。在正负激励电压Vo 作用下,非线性磁芯工作在饱和与不饱和状态,由于探头线圈绕组的电感受内部磁芯磁导率影响,其电感在磁芯处于饱和区和线性区时有明显区别。在被测磁场影响下,磁芯提前或延长进入饱和状态,因此在同一振荡周期内,比较器输出方波占空比会增大或减小。

  • 在被测磁场为 0 时,磁芯上没有偏置磁场,此时磁芯的磁化曲线如图2(a)中实线所示,磁芯到达正负饱和状态临界磁场相同,在激励电流 (图2(c))的作用下,输出电流呈周期对称,如图2(b)中实线所示,因此在比较器比较输出后,电压Vo 正负电压持续时间相同;当被测磁场不为 0 时,被测磁场与激励电流产生的磁场将叠加在一起,此时磁化曲线将发生偏移,如图2(a)中虚线所示,磁芯将提前或延长进入饱和区,经比较器后,输出正负电压持续时间不相同,在同一周期内,占空比发生变化。

  • 综上所述,被测磁场与比较输出电压的占空比存在某种对应关系。因此,只要找到输出电压占空比与被测磁场的关系就能得到被测磁场强度。

  • 图2 激励波形下非线性磁芯的工作原理

  • Fig.2 Operation principle of a nonlinear core under an excitation waveform

  • 2 数学模型

  • 为了找到占空比与被测磁场强度的对应关系,假设磁芯的剩磁和矫顽力足够小,此时磁化曲线可以采用分段近似方法[16-18]。如图2(a)所示,磁化曲线在线性区和饱和区可以近似为 2 段不同斜率的曲线,在线性区内,假设线圈电感为 L1,根据基尔霍夫电压定律,可以得到在线性区时输出电压的微分方程为

  • Vo=iL(t)R3+L1iLt
  • 在饱和区时,假设线圈电感为 L2,根据基尔霍夫电压定律,可以得到在饱和区时输出电压的微分方程为

  • Vo=iL(t)R3+L2iLt
  • 分析图1 中自激振荡电路,比较器阈值电压为V+=R1Vo/R1+R2,采样电阻 R3 上的电压为V-=iLR3,当采样电压V->V+时,比较器输出高电平V0+,反之,比较器输出低电平V0-。刚接通电源时,由于探头线圈电感的作用,激励电流iL从 0 开始增大,当电流增大到使采样电阻 R3 上电压V-到阈值电压V+时,激励电压反转,电流将开始减少,如图3 所示。为了使磁芯进入饱和状态,iL应大于饱和临界电流 Is,且:

  • Is=μLBs/N

  • 式中:μ 为磁导率;N 为线圈匝数;Bs 为饱和磁感应强度;L 为有效磁路长度。

  • 图3 被测磁场为 0 时,激励电压和电流波形

  • Fig.3 Excitation voltage and current waveforms when measured magnetic field is 0

  • 假设被测磁场方向如图1 中所示,在被测磁场作用下,激励电流某时刻处于如图4 所示状态,假设此时被测磁场为 B,与激励电流iL产生的交变磁场方向不一致,此时磁芯达到负向饱和所需的电流为Isn-=-Is-IB(其中 IB 为被测磁场在线圈上的感应电流,其表达式为IB=μLB/N。磁芯达到正向饱和所需的电流为Isn+=Is-IB

  • t = 0 时,磁芯在t1 时间段处于负向饱和区,此时,有初始条件iL0=-ImiLt1=-Isn-;结合分段线性模型和式(1),可以解得:

  • t1=τ2InIo+ImIo-Isn-
  • 式中:时间常数τ2=L2/R3+RLRL 为线圈内阻;Io=Vo/R3+RL

  • 图4 被测磁场不为零时,激励电压和电流波形

  • Fig.4 Excitation voltage and current waveforms when measured magnetic field is not zero

  • 随着电流继续增大,磁芯逐渐进入线性区(4),此时电感从 L2 变为 L1,由iLt1+t2=-Isn+,可以解得t2

  • t2=τ1InIo-Isn-Io-Isn+
  • 式中,时间常数τ1=L1/R3+RL

  • 经过t1+t2时间段后,磁芯再次进入正向饱和区,在时间点t1+t2+t3,激励电流 iex 达到正向电流最大值 Im,即iLt1+t2+t3=-Im,可以解得t3

  • t3=τ2InIo-Isn+Io-Im
  • 由于磁芯的磁化曲线分段线性模型的对称性,时间段t4t5t6可以使用求解t1t2t3相同的方法,因此,解得t4t5t6如下:

  • t4=τ2InIo+ImIo+Isn+
  • t5=τ1InIo+Isn+Io+Isn-
  • t6=τ2InIo+Isn-Io-Im
  • 由公式(3)–(8)可以得到负占空比时间 Tn和正占空比时间 Tp的表达式如下:

  • Tp=τ2In1+2ImIo-Im+τ1-τ2InIo-Isn-Io-Isn+
  • Tn=τ2In1+2ImIo-Im+τ1-τ2InIo-Isn+Io-Isn-
  • 实际情况下τ2<<τ1,结合上述求解时间段与理想极限条件下分析,可以得到占空比 D 和被测磁场 B 的理论公式:

  • D=TpTn+Tp=12-BL2μNIo-Is
  • 式中:μ 为磁导率;N 为线圈匝数;L 为有效磁路长度;B 为被测磁感应强度;Io 为线圈上电流最大值;Is 为饱和电流。

  • 从式(11)可以知道,在磁化曲线分段近似的条件下,占空比与被测磁场大小存在线性关系。

  • 基于该测量原理,需要考虑占空比测量精度,目前,测量占空比的方式有很多种,例如使用单片机定时器输入捕获。本文提出的磁场传感器以占空比形式测量更有利于实现数字化。

  • 3 实验结果

  • 基于原理性分析,制作了基于自激振荡磁感应技术的原理样机。磁芯材料性能和研制磁传感器之间有着密切的关系。为了提高磁传感器的测量精度和灵敏度,需要选择低矫顽力、高饱和磁感应强度、低剩余磁感应强度的磁芯材料。因此,本样机中探头内部磁芯采用高磁导率,低矫顽力的钴基非晶合金,磁芯为薄片状,通过骨架固定在线圈中心。将样机放在螺线管中心(在中心处可近似为均匀磁场),如图5 所示。加入不同电流使螺线管内部产生不同大小均匀磁场,记录每组设定磁场下样机输出占空比数据。实验结果如图6、图7 所示,由实验波形可以看出,传感器输出波形与理论分析一致。

  • 图5 样机测试图

  • Fig.5 Prototype test diagram

  • 图6 被测磁场为 0 时,输出电压和电流波形

  • Fig.6 Output voltage and current waveforms when measured magnetic field is 0

  • 图7 被测磁场不为 0 时,输出电压和电流波形

  • Fig.7 Output voltage and current waveforms when measured magnetic field is not 0

  • 根据测试数据,得到了样机的输出特性曲线如图8 所示。由输出特性曲线可以看出,输出信号处于近似理想的线性工作区。结果表明,在开环条件下,±100 000 nT 量程下传感器的线性度在 0.98%。

  • 图8 输出特性曲线

  • Fig.8 Output characteristic curve

  • 4 结束语

  • 本文提出一种基于自激振荡磁感应技术的新型磁场传感器,该传感器利用了激励电压占空比与被测磁场的对应关系。通过推导理论公式验证了激励电压占空比与被测磁场存在线性关系。与其他磁场传感器相比较,本文提出的磁场传感器模数转换电路等信号调节电路,更有利于实现数字化和小型化。同时,制作了原理样机,并通过实验结果表明了在开环状态下,±100 000 nT 量程下传感器的线性度在 0.98%。为后续优化设计自激振荡磁感应传感器有重要意义。

  • 参考文献

    • [1] CHEN J W,LI J H,XU L X.Highly integrated MEMS magnetic sensor based on GMI effect of amorphous wire[J].Micromachines,2019,10(4):237.

    • [2] PEI C Q,ZHANG B,XIE J Y,et al.Superlatticeshelled nanocrystalline core structural design for highly sensitive GMI sensors[J].Acta Materialia,2023,255:119088.

    • [3] FAN H,WANG J M,FENG Q Y,et al.Detection techniques of biological and chemical Hall sensors[J].RSC Advances,2021,11(13):7257-7270.

    • [4] SCHAEFER B T,WANG L,JARJOUR A,et al.Magnetic field detection limits for ultraclean graphene Hall sensors[J].Nature Communications,2020,11(1):4163.

    • [5] SHEN X Y,TENG Y T,HU X X.Design of a low-cost small-size fluxgate sensor[J].Sensors,2021,21(19):6598.

    • [6] JU H J,ZHU W H,FANG G Y.A review on ferromagnetic induction coil sensors[J].Progress in Geophysics,2010,25(5):1870-1876.

    • [7] TUMANSKI S.Induction coil sensors-a review[J].Measurement Science and Technology,2007,18(3):31-46.

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    • [9] PRADHAN M,BHATTACHARYA B B.A survey of digital circuit testing in the light of machine learning[J].Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews:Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,2021,11(1):e1360.

    • [10] PRADHAN M,BHATTACHARYA B B.A survey of digital circuit testing in the light of machine learning [J].Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews:Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,2021,11(1):e1360.

    • [11] 杨晓光,陈玫琪,贾哲,等.一种开环自激振荡磁通门电流传感器[J].传感技术学报,2021,34(4):434-438.

    • [12] ANDÒ B,BAGLIO S,BULSARA A R,et al.Residence times difference fluxgate[J].Measurement,2005,38(2):89-112.

    • [13] LEUZINGER A,TAYLOR A.Magneto-inductive technology overview[EB/OL].[2010-08-14].https://www.novatronic.de/app/download/5781492141/White +Paper+-+PNI+Magneto+Inductive+Technology+Over view+r3.pdf.

    • [14] REGOLI L H,MOLDWIN M B,RAINES C,et al.Radiation tolerance of the PNI RM3100 magnetometer for a Europa lander mission[J].Geoscientific Instrumentation,Methods and Data Systems,2020,9(2):499-507.

    • [15] PNI CORPORATION.3-axis magneto-inductive sensor driver and controolle with SPI serial interface[EB/OL].[2003-02-06].https://www.willow.co.uk/11096_ Datasheet.pdf.

    • [16] FILANOVSKY I M,PISKAREV V A.RL-multivibrator and retrieving the coil magnetization curve[J].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems,1991,38(6):650-653.

    • [17] BIRČÁKOVÁ Z,KOLLÁR P,FÜZER J,et al.Magnetic properties of selected Fe-based soft magnetic composites interpreted in terms of Jiles-Atherton model parameters[J].Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2020,502:166514.

    • [18] LI K,NIU F,WU Y,et al.Nonlinear current detection based on magnetic modulation technology[J].IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2015,51(11):1-4.

  • 参考文献

    • [1] CHEN J W,LI J H,XU L X.Highly integrated MEMS magnetic sensor based on GMI effect of amorphous wire[J].Micromachines,2019,10(4):237.

    • [2] PEI C Q,ZHANG B,XIE J Y,et al.Superlatticeshelled nanocrystalline core structural design for highly sensitive GMI sensors[J].Acta Materialia,2023,255:119088.

    • [3] FAN H,WANG J M,FENG Q Y,et al.Detection techniques of biological and chemical Hall sensors[J].RSC Advances,2021,11(13):7257-7270.

    • [4] SCHAEFER B T,WANG L,JARJOUR A,et al.Magnetic field detection limits for ultraclean graphene Hall sensors[J].Nature Communications,2020,11(1):4163.

    • [5] SHEN X Y,TENG Y T,HU X X.Design of a low-cost small-size fluxgate sensor[J].Sensors,2021,21(19):6598.

    • [6] JU H J,ZHU W H,FANG G Y.A review on ferromagnetic induction coil sensors[J].Progress in Geophysics,2010,25(5):1870-1876.

    • [7] TUMANSKI S.Induction coil sensors-a review[J].Measurement Science and Technology,2007,18(3):31-46.

    • [8] 张学孚,陆怡良.磁通门技术[M].北京:国防工业出版社,1995.

    • [9] PRADHAN M,BHATTACHARYA B B.A survey of digital circuit testing in the light of machine learning[J].Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews:Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,2021,11(1):e1360.

    • [10] PRADHAN M,BHATTACHARYA B B.A survey of digital circuit testing in the light of machine learning [J].Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews:Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,2021,11(1):e1360.

    • [11] 杨晓光,陈玫琪,贾哲,等.一种开环自激振荡磁通门电流传感器[J].传感技术学报,2021,34(4):434-438.

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